
Deconstructivism is an artistic movement that started in architecture by the end of the 1980s. It criticizes the rational order, purity, and simplicity of modern design and developed a new aesthetic based on complex geometries. It’s often considered a current of postmodernism. It is characterized by its lack of predictability and harmony in design. OneContinue reading “Deconstructivism”

Saul Bass

Saul Bass was a prominent American graphic designer of the twentieth-century. He largely designed motion picture title sequences, corporate logos and movie posters. He was a pioneer of the modern title sequence designing. He enjoyed four decades of successful career in his lifetime, winning Academy Award for his exquisite graphic designing.  Saul Bass was bornContinue reading “Saul Bass”


Stefan Sagmeister is a renowned Austrian-born US based contemporary graphic designer and typographer. The artist is well known for his wit and his outlandish and rebellious sense of humor he displays in his work Sagmeister was born in Brebenz, Austria ,in 1962. After graduating highschool, he enrolled in an engineering collage, but later enrolled inContinue reading “STEFAN SAGMESTIR”

Andy Warhol

“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” ― Andy Warhol Andy Warhol was a painter, film maker and print maker born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Warhol attended Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie Mellon University), where he received formal training in pictorial design. In 1949, he began working asContinue reading “Andy Warhol”

The International Typographic Style

The international typographic style is an approach to design in a neutal and objective way. The movement de-emphasized subjectiveness, or the individual perspective of the artist. To create designs that were clear and moral with no political agenda. The content of the design was prioritized. It was a post-war movement after the power of propaganda (andContinue reading “The International Typographic Style”

The International Typographic Style

The International Typographic Style is an approach to design in a neutral and objective way. The movement de-emphasized subjectiveness, or the individual perspective of the artist. To create designs that were clear and moral with no political agenda. The content of the design was prioritized. It was a post-war movement after the power of propaganda (andContinue reading “The International Typographic Style”

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